Welcome, cuties! My name is Lina and I am 20 years old. I was born in South Korea, but almost immediately moved to Europe. I'm studying to be a designer and dance. What I like most is kpop dancing. Besides, I'm generally trying to get acquainted with cryptocurrency and the metaverse!. But most of all I dream of Paris and being in South Korea again. I am an active, confident, curious, intelligent, flexible, sociable, relaxed, honest and open-minded person. The last two character traits are the reason I am here. Trying to be honest and unbiased with people, or even people I met for the first time, backfired in ways I didn't expect. I didn't think that exploring and talking about my sexuality would make me feel lonely. Even my parents don't quite understand that I am a happy and open person who just enjoys life, so I decided to move away from them and lead an independent lifestyle. The world of fashion and dance became for me the first step towards the development of my personality, as well as the opportunity to communicate with people and have a great time, until not so long ago I found this site that allows you to be honest, sexy and relaxed, and that’s exactly what what I've been looking for all my life. So I decided to try something new and do my best to get to know everyone and everything. Seeing how people behave easily with me, I'm already falling in love with them! I would like to move on and get to know the world and people here. Being satisfied online is good, but I really want to find someone who is trustworthy, fun and reliable. Seeing people around me enjoying their partner makes me a little upset about it. I find it difficult to truly trust anyone. I want to enjoy the minutes spent with a real person. Cuddle for hours, have a great time, watch Netflix and relax, or play computer games (My favorite game is Perfect world). Tell the person how cute he is. I just want to feel weak around my partner. I want to feel like a woman behind the back of a real man. Always support and love him. After all, love is the best thing in the world. Well, even after saying all the above, I am a hopeful person and will never stop doing what I like or want to enjoy. If you're an adventurous person or even a restless person, don't mind getting to know me! I hope everyone has a good time and thank you for reading my biography to the end.
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